As your home’s first line of defense, your roof can be expected to sustain damage over time due to various causes. According to storm damage roof repair professionals, however, one of the most prominent dangers to your roof is debris. To help you care for your roof better, it pays to know what types of debris can deal the most damage to your roof.

These include:
Tree Branches
During storms, tree branches and sometimes even complete trees around your property can be torn off, especially those that are old and overgrown. If they come into contact with your roof, they can tear off your shingles or even damage the roofing system and its structure completely. As such, it’s vital that you make it a point to either keep your trees trimmed or have them cut down if it’s clear that their old and poorly supported. That way, you can prevent them from damaging your roof.
According to experts, hail is one of the worst kinds of debris that can ever damage your roof. This is due to the fact that there’s not much you can do about it and the damage it inflicts is often hidden as hail doesn’t necessarily rip off your shingles but causes cracks instead. This can result in leaks, which in turn can shorten the lifespan of your home’s roofing system. With that in mind, be sure to keep a close eye on your roof after a hailstorm to see if it sustained any damage. Alternatively, you can also have a residential and commercial roof coating professional like Great Lakes Roofing and Siding inspect your roof to check for any damage.
Building Components
Finally, building components like antennas, shutters, posts, nails, roof vents, masonry and even shingles from other homes can also cause damage to your roof when blown off by strong winds. Unfortunately, since you can’t do much about preventing your neighbors’ building components from hitting your home’s roof, experts recommend that you have your roof inspected by a professional after a strong storm to ensure that your roof didn’t suffer from any major damage.
Make your search for residential siding contractors easier by turning to Great Lakes Roofing and Siding. When it comes to roofing and siding services, we are the number one professionals to turn to and you can count on us! Give us a call at (877) 938-9318 or fill out our contact form to get a quote and enlist our services today!